Saturday, July 14, 2012

The recovery

After a busy, hot, fun wedding yesterday, it was time to unwind with a pool party at the Swan Residence. This morning we were out of the hotel before 10am, headed to Pewaukee to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Knutson (Amanda and Mitchell too). Relaxed there for a couple hours before heading to swim.
Originally we were going to stay a couple hours and head home while the kids napped, but once the beeritas came out, we decided we would play the afternoon/evening by ear and decide later if we would go home or not. Eddie took an awesome nap, Rowan was busy swimming and playing with everyone, and we all just hung out.

We had a great meal! We had fried alligator (it was very tasty. and caught by Jake and Pilgrim) as an appetizer, and then chicken with tons of sides for a late lunch! Needless to say, we didn't leave there until after 7pm. Had to stop and pick up Gizmo from Karen and Doug's (he was gone for 2 weeks, we missed him!) and then we were on our way home for a much needed nights sleep in our own beds.

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