Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rowan's 'little' party

Rowan kept asking today when her friends were coming over for her party. She was talking about her ice cream birthday party that isn't for another 11 days, so we called today's celebration her 'little' party, and her ice cream party her 'big' party!

Rowan and I made ice cream cupcakes to share with her friends. When Ed got home from work, Rowan got to open her presents from us and she got a package in the mail from Nana and Papa as well. She was thrilled. After she did that we headed outside to play.
We were able to get the neighbors to help us sing to her on this special day, and shared our cupcakes with them as well.
A few pictures of the kiddos playing. Quite a few kids in such a little vacinity. Turned out to be a late night for the kids. Us adults shared a few adult treats as well. Fun night.

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