Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We had our standard morning in the water today, then after lunch it was off to the Conover July 4th Parade. Thank god for the tent and shade! It was steamy outside. After the parade we opted out of the festival and headed back to the cabin and water. Needed to cool off big time. Both Rowan and Eddie enjoyed the parade. Lots of candy was caught by both kids, with all the big kids help of course. They even gave out Pop Ice. Very popular!
The 4th of July Conover group photo!
After our afternoon of swimming and cooling off, we had dinner and then did our best to keep the kids up for Grandpa Bill's firework display. It was very good. But eventually the mosquitos chased the kids and I inside Karens cabin for the finale. In addition to the fireworks, we had some sparklers and glow sticks/bracelets/necklaces! Lots of fun!

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