Monday, July 30, 2012

finally back to normal?

Just a recap of the GI bug that took over our house in the last week. Last week Wednesday, I awoke with tummy troubles. Of course it started at like 430am, and I had to work at 7am. I thought, well if I just poop, I will feel better. Then, well, if I just puke, I will feel better. Next thing I knew I was struggling to get out of the shower at 615am. But at that point, I thought I had to go in. So I went to work, luckily we had extra people on call, so I was back home and in bed by 815am. Thankfully my Mom was here watching the kids because I would have struggled if I would have been sick and home with the kids by myself. By that night I was on the mend, thank god.

Then it was Saturday when Rowan started the puking. And that night, Eddie started with diarrhea. I think Rowan only infected 2 other people from her party. (I did warn people that she was ill, so I don't feel completely responsible for this infecting) Papa started with it immediately, and our neighbor Ava was puking a few days later. I think it was Sunday night that Eddie threw up once, and once again on Monday afternoon. Rowan started with diarrhea on Monday or Tuesday (Eddie has continued with diarrhea since Saturday). Ed at some point had some toileting issues as well, I think it was Sunday.

Needless to say, it was Tuesday before we had a puke free house, and today was the first time both kids have had normal poop. (Most people probably wouldn't talk so much about puke and poop, I guess that is the nurse in me.) One plus that has come out of this, we eliminated milk from both kids diets a few days ago, and therefore I think we have gotten rid of bottles (for Eddie of course), finally!

So, today was another hot and humid one, so we got out the pool and sprinkler. Then tonight we were out in it again. Ed and I attempted to stain the swingset while the kids played outside, wasn't as easy as we thought. Luckily, our great friends/neighbors took our kids under their wing and fed them dinner outside with their kids so we could get it finished. We greatly appreciated that. Now we just need to stain the sandbox, and touch up areas of the swing set that could use another coat.

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