Sunday, July 1, 2012

Conover Full Day 1

(But really day 2) We arrived at the lake yesterday afternoon just after lunchtime, but we were so busy unpacking and getting to the water that I didn't bring my camera out. So this our first documented day at MNL Resort. Rowan slept fine, Eddie, not so much. He was between his pack n play and the bed with Rowan and I. So sleep was very interrupted. It was a hot day, so it took awhile to cool off at night and therefore took awhile to get the kids to bed. No A/C = No fun. But they loved the water! And napping was painless and much needed.
Rowan latched onto anyone that was out in the water. Even though she can stand almost out to the end of the pier, we still kept her waterwings on most of the day. Ed took her out on the paddle boat for a bit. And Eddie, well, he isn't sure. He likes the sand and sitting and splashing, but that is about as far as he wants to go so far. For lunch today we headed into Conover for the 'Taste of Conover'. We had lots of different tasty treats, quickly, because it was super toasty and not a lot of shade, so we ate and then ran back to the lake to cool off.

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