Thursday, July 5, 2012

Last day in Conover...

Since it is our 3rd year coming up here, I thought a few pictures of the cabin would be helpful to remember the good times. So here they are. Quaint little place that is more tolerable when it isn't 90 degrees outside every day! But we all survived. Last night it was so warm, we took the kids into Eagle River to Dairy Queen to get some ice cream. We needed some A/C time and a nice cool treat. We brought back Dilly Bars for the rest of the crew! A mini storm came threw while we were on our way back. Definitely needed the cool down.
And here is how Eddie has graduated in the water throughout the week. No fear anymore! He liked to walk out to his waist and then sit down so that the water was almost up to his nose. Then flip over and crawl back towards shore. Such a little water bug. He loved it. Oh, are swim trunks quickly became optional after realizing the amount of sand coming out of both the swim diaper and the trunks. So sad that we are heading home, but Mom has to work the next 4 days. We were on our way home just around lunch time. We stopped for lunch and some gas and then nap time commenced.

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