Thursday, July 19, 2012

4 year MD appt

Rowan's 4 Year Statistics

Weight: 34 pounds (42nd percentile)
Height: 40 inches (56th percentile)
BMI: 14.9 (38th percentile)

At this appointment Rowan had her vision checked (with the basic eye chart) and her hearing checked (she had to tell them when she heard a beep). They said that some kid at this age don't/won't participate. She participated and did pretty well I think, for real.

She didn't need any immunizations today, she is all up to date, until fall when she will get a flu shot. But next year she will need to get some in preparation for kindergarten.

The only thing I asked the Pediatrician about was how to get her to go to bed when she is told, and stay there. The only recommendation he had was to try a positive sticker chart. Might work, when I find the time to make one. Otherwise all was well with her appointment.

What can I say about Rowan at 4 years old....
Currently she is into Hello Kitty, she likes to ride her bike, she loves to play outside. She isn't very independent when it comes to playing. She wants entertainment from either one of us, or a friend. The only time she is quiet by herself is shen she is playing on the iPad, or watching cartoons. Otherwise she wants someone to do everything with her. She will attend 4K preschool this year at the YMCA again like she did 3K last year, except it is 3 half days this year versus only 2 last year. She is excited for it. She has continuosly been in swim lessons for practically 2 years, and loves it. She is currently a Kipper and hopefully advancing soon. She is doing great with it. Hoping to get her into another sport or gymnastics this fall. Oh, and lastly, she loves her brother lots!

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