Tuesday, July 31, 2012

summer love...

the hose!
Who would have thought!

Monday, July 30, 2012

finally back to normal?

Just a recap of the GI bug that took over our house in the last week. Last week Wednesday, I awoke with tummy troubles. Of course it started at like 430am, and I had to work at 7am. I thought, well if I just poop, I will feel better. Then, well, if I just puke, I will feel better. Next thing I knew I was struggling to get out of the shower at 615am. But at that point, I thought I had to go in. So I went to work, luckily we had extra people on call, so I was back home and in bed by 815am. Thankfully my Mom was here watching the kids because I would have struggled if I would have been sick and home with the kids by myself. By that night I was on the mend, thank god.

Then it was Saturday when Rowan started the puking. And that night, Eddie started with diarrhea. I think Rowan only infected 2 other people from her party. (I did warn people that she was ill, so I don't feel completely responsible for this infecting) Papa started with it immediately, and our neighbor Ava was puking a few days later. I think it was Sunday night that Eddie threw up once, and once again on Monday afternoon. Rowan started with diarrhea on Monday or Tuesday (Eddie has continued with diarrhea since Saturday). Ed at some point had some toileting issues as well, I think it was Sunday.

Needless to say, it was Tuesday before we had a puke free house, and today was the first time both kids have had normal poop. (Most people probably wouldn't talk so much about puke and poop, I guess that is the nurse in me.) One plus that has come out of this, we eliminated milk from both kids diets a few days ago, and therefore I think we have gotten rid of bottles (for Eddie of course), finally!

So, today was another hot and humid one, so we got out the pool and sprinkler. Then tonight we were out in it again. Ed and I attempted to stain the swingset while the kids played outside, wasn't as easy as we thought. Luckily, our great friends/neighbors took our kids under their wing and fed them dinner outside with their kids so we could get it finished. We greatly appreciated that. Now we just need to stain the sandbox, and touch up areas of the swing set that could use another coat.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

'big' party repeat

Rowan was feeling better today, so of course she was begging to get out the waterslide! Luckily, her friends were home too, so we repeated her party from yesterday with the neighbors today. We had enough leftover subs to share with everyone for lunch too. Someone else brought fruit to share, and another juice, and popsicles, and pop ice, it was a community lunch and fun day. Perhaps we had a couple adult beverages too. Oh, and I mentioned how the older girls didn't get a chance at the pinata yesterday, so they were begging Ed to make another pinata so they could hit it. So Ed gave the kids a pinata making lesson. Now we just need to fill it and decorate it.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rowan's Ice Cream Party

Well, today didn't go quite as planned. I didn't carry out the theme quite as much as I usually do, but it's been a busy month, so for some reason this party is what sort of took the backseat. But it was still a hit, and I am the only one that noticed things that might have been missing, so not a big deal.

But...Rowan woke up this morning and was telling us her stomach hurt. We honestly sort of brushed it off because she frequently tells us this to get out of things, like going to bed, or eating a meal, or whatever else. But, shortly after she was sitting on Ed's lap on the recliner and she puked all over him. So, apparently her stomach really did hurt. Needless to say, that is how our day started. So after getting them cleaned up and showered, we continued on. I asked Ed if we should cancel the party, but he said, 'you don't cancel a 4 year old birthday party', so we partied on, sort of.

Rowan did pretty much participate in everything to an extent. By the end of her party, I think she threw up a total of 5 times. But the last 4 were precisely in a bowl and contained, thankfully. And none of them were in front of her guests. Only one time was during the party and it was in our bathroom. She went down the waterslide a few times and that was it. Then she was cold for quite awhile. Clearly she didn't eat anything, not even any ice cream. She opened about half of her presents and then she was done.
We did a sand dig for treasures (rings, bouncy balls, animals and whistles), and Ed came through with an ice cream cone pinata this year too. Only this one wasn't quite as strong so the 2 older girls didn't even get a chance to swing at it as it broke before that.
Rowan took quite a number of swings for not feeling well.
Spoiled with plenty of gifts. Hello Kitty has stormed our house recently, but many other fun things as well.
We did sing Happy Birthday to her, but the pictures on my camera didn't turn out, but she wasn't so into it anyway. Perhaps I will get some pictures from others. She sat on Papa's lap (bottom left pic), and that was as far as she got for the ice cream bar. Then we put in a movie and everyone watched for a bit before people started to leave.
And this is what Rowan was doing shortly after her last guest left. A much needed nap.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

4 year MD appt

Rowan's 4 Year Statistics

Weight: 34 pounds (42nd percentile)
Height: 40 inches (56th percentile)
BMI: 14.9 (38th percentile)

At this appointment Rowan had her vision checked (with the basic eye chart) and her hearing checked (she had to tell them when she heard a beep). They said that some kid at this age don't/won't participate. She participated and did pretty well I think, for real.

She didn't need any immunizations today, she is all up to date, until fall when she will get a flu shot. But next year she will need to get some in preparation for kindergarten.

The only thing I asked the Pediatrician about was how to get her to go to bed when she is told, and stay there. The only recommendation he had was to try a positive sticker chart. Might work, when I find the time to make one. Otherwise all was well with her appointment.

What can I say about Rowan at 4 years old....
Currently she is into Hello Kitty, she likes to ride her bike, she loves to play outside. She isn't very independent when it comes to playing. She wants entertainment from either one of us, or a friend. The only time she is quiet by herself is shen she is playing on the iPad, or watching cartoons. Otherwise she wants someone to do everything with her. She will attend 4K preschool this year at the YMCA again like she did 3K last year, except it is 3 half days this year versus only 2 last year. She is excited for it. She has continuosly been in swim lessons for practically 2 years, and loves it. She is currently a Kipper and hopefully advancing soon. She is doing great with it. Hoping to get her into another sport or gymnastics this fall. Oh, and lastly, she loves her brother lots!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Practice Practice

After being gone for the last few days, it was nice to enjoy sometime playtime at home. We got the waterslide out today so the kids could prepare for Rowan's party celebration next weekend. The kids sure enjoy this thing, definitely worth the money. Very toasty outside though, Bucky and Gizmo even tried to stay in the shade with their water too.

The Salty Peanut

These are a few of the professional pictures from the Tetzlaff Wedding. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The recovery

After a busy, hot, fun wedding yesterday, it was time to unwind with a pool party at the Swan Residence. This morning we were out of the hotel before 10am, headed to Pewaukee to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Knutson (Amanda and Mitchell too). Relaxed there for a couple hours before heading to swim.
Originally we were going to stay a couple hours and head home while the kids napped, but once the beeritas came out, we decided we would play the afternoon/evening by ear and decide later if we would go home or not. Eddie took an awesome nap, Rowan was busy swimming and playing with everyone, and we all just hung out.

We had a great meal! We had fried alligator (it was very tasty. and caught by Jake and Pilgrim) as an appetizer, and then chicken with tons of sides for a late lunch! Needless to say, we didn't leave there until after 7pm. Had to stop and pick up Gizmo from Karen and Doug's (he was gone for 2 weeks, we missed him!) and then we were on our way home for a much needed nights sleep in our own beds.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Main Event

Was Perfect!

It rained, much needed rain, but perhaps could have done it a different day! But it rained before the wedding and was beautiful and hot during the ceremony. We were supposed to be in the shade, but we weren't, but we survived. The kids...well, Eddie was ready for a nap, and didn't do so well. He had his pacifier in his mouth just to keep him happy in the wagon, but as they were going down the aisle, Ainsley decided to rip it out of his mouth, so he was crying and reaching for his pacifier. Ha! And minutes after Ed took him out of the wagon he was asleep on Ed's shoulder. Therefore he didn't make it back down the aisle in the wagon. My sister Amanda took all these pictures for me, so I am happy to have what I do. But I don't have any pictures of Eddie in his tux, straight on. I was just too busy doing other things when the opportunity presented. So, I am hoping that someone has some to share eventually.
Anyway, back to the ceremony. Went perfect. We all cried as usual, but still great.
After the ceremony we took a few lingering photos and then it was on to the bus for an hour of cruising around town. Kid free! Poor Ed had to deal with them alone for this hour. He did survive. though. We stopped at 2 places along the route for a few pictures, and then it was on to the cocktail hour.
Cocktail hour was outside. Lots of people to try to say hi to as well as find my kids and husband. Eddie was on fire so I removed his dress shirt, and sported the chip n dale look of dress pants and vest for the remained of his stay. I think he was suffering from not only the heat and lack of sleep, but also his 4th and final molar. Anyway, dinner was good (although Jordyn and I had a hard time eating while awaiting our speeches, which went great by the way), kids were back and forth between my seat and Ed's, and up and down with Grandpa Kris and who ever else. Dinner was barely done, and Ed gave his parents a call to come and pick up the kids. They were too needy at this point, and just needed to be able to loosen up elsewhere. There wasn't any dancing opportunities for the kids, but they didn't know what they were missing anyway. Weddings sure are different when you have kids to be responsible for. The rest of the night was great, lots of dancing, several beverages, and just pure good times.

Girl time...

We spent most of the morning in the Swan Suite getting all dolled up for the big wedding this evening. Casey, the bride, was busy doing hair before getting herself done up. Rowan did very well for her as far as sitting still.

It was tough, because Ed and Eddie hung out in the room so that Eddie could nap. And inbetween his naps, Ed took him outside to watch the cars drive by to entertain him. Despite bringing some toys, it's hard to entertain in a hotel room. But they survived.

Random side note, this was the kids this morning when we woke up. They decided to read about Milwaukee, and Eddie is reading the Bible! Ha.
Then by 130pm we had to be dressed and ready to head to the Villa Terrace to take pictures prior to the ceremony at 4pm. And just as we were arriving at the Villa Terrace, it started to pour! So pictures were semi postponed for a short bit. But we did accomplish some before hand. The kids came early with us as well, so it was a long waiting game for them.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rehearsal Dinner

Today we checked into the Hilton in Milwaukee and got organized before rehearsal for Casey and Jake's Wedding tomorrow! Hopefully we didn't forget anything at home! We met up with everyone in the hotel for a short while before having to get ready to rehearse.

After rehearsal, we had dinner at the Lake Park Bistro. The cocktails and appetizers were outside, and then for dinner we moved inside. It was a long time for the kids to sit still, but at least during appetizers they were able to play a bit outside. Overall they all did very well. It was a late night to bed, but hopefully we will all sleep well?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

crazy sprinkler

Rowan got a new sprinkler for her birthday yesterday from Nana and Papa, so we had to try it out today. That thing has quite the distance, you'd never think. The kids used it as a water fountain as well, if any of the spouts got stuck, it would spray straight, so they'd drink from it. Goofy kids.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rowan's 'little' party

Rowan kept asking today when her friends were coming over for her party. She was talking about her ice cream birthday party that isn't for another 11 days, so we called today's celebration her 'little' party, and her ice cream party her 'big' party!

Rowan and I made ice cream cupcakes to share with her friends. When Ed got home from work, Rowan got to open her presents from us and she got a package in the mail from Nana and Papa as well. She was thrilled. After she did that we headed outside to play.
We were able to get the neighbors to help us sing to her on this special day, and shared our cupcakes with them as well.
A few pictures of the kiddos playing. Quite a few kids in such a little vacinity. Turned out to be a late night for the kids. Us adults shared a few adult treats as well. Fun night.

Happy 4th Birthday Rowan!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Last day in Conover...

Since it is our 3rd year coming up here, I thought a few pictures of the cabin would be helpful to remember the good times. So here they are. Quaint little place that is more tolerable when it isn't 90 degrees outside every day! But we all survived. Last night it was so warm, we took the kids into Eagle River to Dairy Queen to get some ice cream. We needed some A/C time and a nice cool treat. We brought back Dilly Bars for the rest of the crew! A mini storm came threw while we were on our way back. Definitely needed the cool down.
And here is how Eddie has graduated in the water throughout the week. No fear anymore! He liked to walk out to his waist and then sit down so that the water was almost up to his nose. Then flip over and crawl back towards shore. Such a little water bug. He loved it. Oh, are swim trunks quickly became optional after realizing the amount of sand coming out of both the swim diaper and the trunks. So sad that we are heading home, but Mom has to work the next 4 days. We were on our way home just around lunch time. We stopped for lunch and some gas and then nap time commenced.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

We had our standard morning in the water today, then after lunch it was off to the Conover July 4th Parade. Thank god for the tent and shade! It was steamy outside. After the parade we opted out of the festival and headed back to the cabin and water. Needed to cool off big time. Both Rowan and Eddie enjoyed the parade. Lots of candy was caught by both kids, with all the big kids help of course. They even gave out Pop Ice. Very popular!
The 4th of July Conover group photo!
After our afternoon of swimming and cooling off, we had dinner and then did our best to keep the kids up for Grandpa Bill's firework display. It was very good. But eventually the mosquitos chased the kids and I inside Karens cabin for the finale. In addition to the fireworks, we had some sparklers and glow sticks/bracelets/necklaces! Lots of fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Conover Day 4

Today was birthday celebration day for Great Grandma Goldie. She turned 80 on July 1st, but they decided to join us today on the 3rd instead. So we had a appetizers and a late lunch celebration planned for when they were here. And of course cake as well. They enjoy just watching the kids splash around and play.
And luckily they were in good spirits and were willing to smile for a picture or two as well.
We had quite the line up of people to get the kids to smile like this. They don't just laugh for anything.
Too bad I look like an idiot in this picture, but everyone else looks good.
Rowan picked out this birthday hat for great grandma. She was a trooper and wore it for quite awhile.