Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Our" new toy...

We made our last big purchase to be ready for our little one to arrive, a new camera!!

With the help of Uncle Brad, he found us the deal of a lifetime (at least we think so) on Craig's list. He has been searching Ebay for 3-4 weeks looking for a Canon 30D camera for us with a basic lens within our budget. It didn't seem to be an easy project, we ended up having to expand our budget a bit, but we ended up with a complete package!

So today we drove to Franklin to pick up the new camera, Canon 30D in mint condition, two lenses, a laptop/camera case, two tripods, battery charger, filters, manuals, LCD display protectors, an extra flash, two hoods, and a few other small accessories. But originally we were only planning on getting the camera and a lens. So we lucked out and got a stellar deal.

So now my husband has turned into a photographer, he hasn't put the camera down for the last 3 hours. It is lots of fun to play with. Can't wait to have a little one to take pictures of, poor Gizmo is getting a little annoyed with the flashing in his face constantly.

Here are a few pictures we took outside with the tripod and inside too.

1 comment:

WI Smith family said... that RINGWORM on Gizmo??? Maybe you need to zoom in a little more - I think I see a patch! :)