Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daddy's Boy...

In the last week I have gotten a few cute pictures of Ed and Gizmo. I think he knows that I am harboring an addition to the family, he seems to be quite the Daddy's boy lately. Perhaps it is because Ed has a bit more energy than I do these days. Doesn't help that we have been assembling some baby things, all of which Gizmo seems to be afraid of. Gizmo is even afraid of the guitar when Ed plays Guitar Hero, what a scaredy 'dog'!
Gizmo's favorite place to lay is in front of the door when the door is open.

(These last two pictures he is actually laying on the couch with me)

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Gizmo looks like he needs a "Play date" with Tallulah.....
You'll have to make sure you give him lots of attention when the baby is born....or he'll be JEALOUS!!!!!!