Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baby Smith Update...(36 4/7 weeks)

We now start the weekly visits to the doctors office. Today went well, BP was 102/52 (good!), heartrate was 138, gained a little weight, measured at 35.5cm, cervix is closed! Had the GBS culture done today, will get results next week. I guess that sums up the visit.

Ed and I made our final trip (I hope) to Babies R Us, before the baby is born anyway. Made some last minute returns and bought a few things we thought were essential to have before the baby is born that we hadn't received. So now I just need to finish washing baby items, finalize my closet and room organization, get the carseat bases installed properly (we are having issues figuring out the latch system), and get a few last minute items for myself to be ready for this little one.

I guess we are pretty much ready, I would like at least another week though, and the way my cervix is looking, I don't forsee the baby coming too early, which is fine with me. I refuse to go more than a week overdue though!

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