Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another trip to the ER...

The baby and I are fine, Ed on the other hand...

...made about his fourth trip to the Emergency Room today courtesy of Menards. I think it is only his third time with stitches, but who is counting, I am sure we have forgotten a few. While Ed was working hard at Menards today he got in a fight with some roofing materials (sheet metal)he was pulling for a delivery, and the roofing materials won. Ed ended up with a 3 inch gash in his right shin, requiring a trip to the Elmbrook Memorial ER and 8 stitches.

Ed had come home for lunch, went back to work, and within a half hour was in the ER, two hours later he calls me, says he is on his way home and tells me this story. Thanks for calling earlier I said, he didn't want me to worry! Probably a good call. So in 10-14 days, I will be removing these stitches! Saves us another trip to the doctor I guess. Ed came home saying he was going to still play in his hockey game tonight, until after we took a short nap and Ed woke us with a bit of a stiff leg, all I said was 'I told you so'! So he will be resting his leg for the night!

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