Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fingertip and 50% effaced...(37 4/7 weeks)

We had our weekly doctor visit this afternoon, seems to be a common update on the blog lately. But the time is getting very near. So clearly, as evidenced by the title of this post, my cervix was fingertip dilated and 50% effaced, so I guess we are making some progress. Gained a pound this week, glad to see that is slowing down. Blood pressure great again. Heartrate was only 118 this time. Baby must have been sleeping, doctor said that is still within normal limits. So no concerns.
Now I have to sit 3 times a day and monitor baby movements for 30 minute intervals. That is something new to add to the list of things to do. Whatever makes the time and days go by faster.

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Megan.....are you PUSHING your stomach out??? Looks like it!