Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Final Shower...(36 weeks)

Yesterday was our last and final baby shower. It was thrown by a few of my aunts on my dad's side of the family (Knutsons). It was held at Brian and Leslie's house in Waukesha, and boy were we blessed with some lovely weather. The shower started at 1pm and ended at 3:30pm, and it was hot and sunny the entire time. The storm clouds started to roll in after I got home. So we were able to have the shower outside on their lovely deck.

We started the shower with very tasty wraps, fruit salad (in a wonderfully creative watermelon buggy made by Leslie!) veggies, sunchips, punch, cookies, mini-cakes, trail mix n mints too. The theme was not only duckies, but brown and green everything to go with it. Very nicely done.

We played a few games, none of which I managed to win. We had a word find, gift bingo, "don't say the word baby", and measure the belly too.

Andrea with Breyson, once again the little guy got passed around and loved by all the women. He will be a month old on Tuesday, he is getting big so fast. We will have some great play dates very soon!

Once again we received many wonderful gifts. Which I have spent most of the day trying to make room for. There is plenty of room, it is just a matter or organizing the right way, I tend to be a bit anal. So I am getting there. But I have now started the washing marathon. Didn't realize how much there would be to wash, from clothes to bath towels and washcloths, to blankets and crib bedding, you name it, it needs to be washed.

My next goal for the week is to pack my bag for the hospital. You just never know when this baby will decide to make an appearance, and I figure if I am prepared early, it won't come early. Sort of like warding off evil spirits! We'll see if it works.

On a side note, it is a little depressing to think that this was the last shower we will ever have. We went through the many wedding showers, and now the many baby showers, and that is all you get showered for! Sad to think it is all over. Granted I had enough showers for like three people, just shows how much our friends and family love us!!

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

Hey....who says it's the last shower you'll ever have???? When you have a different sex baby next time.....we can do it all over again! :)