Sunday, July 3, 2011

Conover WI

Day 1

We arrived last night around 730pm. The drive was tolerable minus the bazillion times we had to stop for Rowan to go to the bathroom. A few stops were at gas stations and a few were in abandoned lots with the potty seat. It definitely added 30 minutes + to the trip. But we have to trust her when she says she has to go, right?

So we spent the day in the water and in the sand. Eddie chilled out in his bouncy seat for a bit and napped in the shade. Rowan played in the sand, on the swings, in the water. She made many new friends too. Adults of course, but they were just as good as kids her age, if not better. I mentioned the potty seat earlier, as you will see, it made an appearance everywhere we went! So much easier than running to the nearest bathroom.
In the afternoon Karen brought out her birthday gift for Rowan (she wanted her to be able to use it for the week we were there) And of course, Karen got a cake for her too (as well as balloons)! It was an ice cream cake (probably our favorite) so we had to eat fast before it melted. Rowan got a new sun chair as you can see. Too cute.
This is what happens when you play all day and don't take a nap! You fall asleep in your Mommy's arms at the dinner table! Oh well!

1 comment:

karen said...

I sure miss the lake this week !!