Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Year appt

Rowan's 3 Year Stats
Weight: 29 pounds 8 ounces (45th percentile)
Height: 37.25 inches (60th percentile)
BMI: 15.09 (30th percentile)
Pulse: 80 BP: 82/40
What to say about this little girl?

*Wearing 3T clothing and size 7 shoes (some size 8)

*Pretty much potty trained although she has an accident here or there (generally when playing or outside) Wears a pull-up when sleeping, but does wake up dry many times

*She really has a wide variety of interests. Of course she loves all things girly, princesses and dolls, but there isn't one princess in particular.

*Likes puzzles and matching games

*LOVES to be outside! Swinging, swimming, riding bikes, chalk, bubbles, you name it, as long as it is outside she is there!

*likes every Disney movie she has seen, including the Disney channel (thus explaining the Minnie mouse birthday party coming up)

*Will be attending Preschool in the fall at the YMCA

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