Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Rowan!

Poor girl didn't have a huge party today, with the entire day dedicated to her birth, but we tried to make her feel special. She doesn't quite understand birthdays and parties and days yet anyway, but that doesn't matter.
This morning we sang Happy Birthday to Rowan over her cinnamon roll breakfast, complete with candles (that we had to light twice because she wanted to blow them out again) We were then packing up to head to Pewaukee for Aunt Casey's baby shower and swimming. Then after returning home and having dinner, we had a big cookie and sang again and blew out candles again. And shared our cookie with our neighbor friends that were out tonight!
She got a gift to open today as well (we were going to wait for her party at the end of the month, but Mom felt guilty not having something for her to open on her actual birthday)
Can't leave out the cute little brother! 
3 year stats and likes/dislikes to come with doctor appointment visit next week!

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