Friday, July 15, 2011

MI here we come...

...on the Lake Express High Speed Ferry (thanks to Nana and Papa!)
So I am going to preface this post with this statement, The boat ride was a great experience and we are grateful to have been able to ride it, but it isn't something we will do again any time soon! Only because it didn't save us anytime (provided Chicago traffic isn't bad) and Rowan is at the age where she wouldn't sit still for more than 10 minutes. Luckily we had seats and a table by ourselves therefore we weren't bothering people everytime we were up and down with her, but we did have to pass Eddie back and forth as we took turns chasing her around!

Here is how our day went, we left home around 10am to head to Milwaukee where the Ferry docks, the ferry left the dock at 1230p. We arrived in Muskegon MI around 3pm (4pm MI time), and we then drove to St. Joseph to Blayne and Molly's house arriving around 6pm (because of stops we had to make) Therefore it was a full day of travelling. And we were happy to arrive!

Oh, and forgot to mention that Rowan has not had any interest in going on a boat lately, not sure why. So, I was in line to board the boat with both kids while Ed drove the car on. I had Eddie strapped to me in the Bjorn, and ended up having to carry Rowan on the boat too. And up a flight of stairs! Not ideal. Not to mention it was sunny and warm so I was trying to keep Eddie covered up from the sun and all at the same time!

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