Monday, July 25, 2011

party prep

The last week or so has been devoted to preparing for Rowan's Minnie Mouse Birthday party! I took advantage of downtime at work this weekend to accomplish a few tasks. Also, definitely put Grandma Pam to work while she was here to watch the kids as well! I am very thankful that Ed decided to take over the pinata! So him and Rowan started that project tonight as well. She was quite the mess when she was done, but she sure had fun! Sorry, no more info for now, have to wait for party pics this weekend!


Cora said...

Oh we're excited to come and check it out. Let me just apologize now for the freak out my daughter will have. Don't take it personally!

Ed and Megan Smith III said...

What freak out? Her shyness? No biggie!