Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beach, Fountain, Lunch and home!

Since we didn't make it to the beach yesterday, we were out the door by 10am to enjoy it today. We started by the beach and water, which was a bit cold for my liking, but the kids loved it. Eddie hung out under Aunt Molly's new umbrella! It worked perfectly!
And of course there was plenty of sand time too. The kids were covered in it. Grady was eating it! I guess you get used to that when you live so close to a beach! Not me.
When we had had our share of the sand and water we headed up the beach to enjoy the fountains. They were lots of fun. They were able to rid themselves of the sand too.  Eddie fell asleep in the stroller and slept for the entire fountain experience. It was quite warm in his little cave, but he didn't mind!
After the fountain fun we headed back to Blayne and Molly's to eat lunch, clean up, pack up and head back to Muskegon to get on the boat! For some reason everyone else getting on the boat was there way before us and therefore we essentially just drove right on the boat, and therefore had crappy seats for the ride home. Only crappy in that we were stuck between two different sets of people that had to move for us whenever we needed to get up with Rowan. Not ideal at all. But it was what it was. We survived and made it back to Milwaukee. Then we drove the rest of the way home and the kids slept most of the ride.

We got home at about 8pm, unloaded the car, and pretty much went right to bed. It was a fun warm weekend filled with fun and not much sleep. So we were ready for some good sleep! I am so jealous of the summer fun they have in MI!

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