Saturday, July 16, 2011

another fun day in MI

Well, after not so much sleep last night, we were up and outside playing this morning. Rowan had a rough night, it was warmer than we are used to in the room we were in, and 3 of us in the queen sized bed wasn't working so well last night either I guess. But Rowan was whining and crying lots of the night. Ed even tried driving around in the car with her to get her to sleep. We were upstairs and downstairs trying to get her comfortable, finally she and I fell asleep in the bed upstairs as Ed snored away downstairs on the couch.

We had originally planned to go to the beach and fountains this morning, but after our later start and plans to be on the road to Portage IN after lunchtime, we decided to just play around the house! And it was just as good for the kids, and us as well. And we lucked out, Blayne and Molly got a new bike trailer and were looking to get rid of their old one, so we snatched it up. Now we just need bikes to pull it with!
So after lunch we headed to Portage IN for the Smith Family Reunion. It was held at a hotel, so we brought the kids suits along for entertainment! Eddie got some time with Great Papa, and Papa too. And of course spoiled by many other Aunts and cousins too. The bottom left is Eddie and Griffin (Tara's 4th boy) who was born a couple weeks before Eddie. And they are about the same size, thankfully. Must be a Smith thing! Eddie is a bit more solid that Griffin, but they are almost the same weight!
Then came the swimming, actually it started just about right after walking in door! But it entertained them for quite some time. If only it wasn't so warm in the pool area for the non-swimmers. They had a great little kids area as you can see.
Here are many of the Smith great grandchildren playing and enjoying each other. And that is only about 1/3 of them on the bottom left.
We stayed for dinner and some raffle fun and then we were on our way back to St. Joseph to relax!

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