Monday, July 4, 2011

Conover Day 2

Happy 4th of July!

This morning we were in the water for awhile before heading to town to the parade. It was very hot and not so windy today, so the parade was a bit unbearable! Eddie hung out in his bouncy seat in the back of the truck to stay out of the sun, but the breeze was obviously even less in there.
Rowan enjoyed the parade way more this year than last year. Last year she was hiding in the back of the truck from the bands, and sirens and whatever else that may have been loud. This year she just chilled in her chair sipping her kiddy cocktail and hoarded candy and treats. One float even handed out Mr. Freeze pops! They were perfect for the hot day!
The group! 
After the parade, we headed back to the cabin to hit the water instead of heading to the tractor races. Just too hot for kids to not be in the water! As you can see, both kids got their play time in with all the adults again! Spoiled little things!
On a side note, we had a bit of a scare today. We used a beach umbrella for Eddie's shade the last 2 days. We had to put it in an umbrella stand because the ground was too hard to get it in the sand. And today it was so windy we had to attach a weight to the umbrella so it wouldn't blow out of the stand. Well, we got a gust big enough that it did manage to blow the entire umbrella, weight and all, out of the stand while Eddie was sleeping underneath it, and the weight hit Eddie in the head. I was scared big time, because it was a concrete boat weight, although I didn't see it actually happen (Ed did, and was a bit speechless for awhile). Poor Eddie was crying and very unhappy for little while. You can sort of see the bruise on his left forehead above. He is tough and survived. But I was sweating for awhile.

1 comment:

Cora said...

:-( poor baby! Glad that he's ok. Those first couple of injuries are the worst!