Thursday, July 14, 2011

4 Months old

Weight: 17 pounds 3 ounces (95th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 44 cm (95th percentile)
What is Eddie doing now?
*Eat his hands a lot

*Grabs at things, especially faces

*Can grab his toes, but can't quite get them to him mouth (might be because of those thin thighs)

*Talks/Coos a lot

*Hasn't rolled over yet, in either direction (but is close to rolling from back to front)

*Wearing 3-6 month or 6 month clothing

*Size 2 diapers (that will probably change soon though based on his weight)

*Takes 4-6 ounces of Similac Sensitive about 6 times a day

*Not even close to sleeping through the night. According to the Pediatrician, his sleep is normal, but I would like more consecutive hours during the night! Generally he is up once between 12 and 2a, and then again between 5 and 6a. But that 5 and 6a is just too early to be up for the day. If it is 5a, he will generally go back to sleep for a couple hours (perfect!), but if it is 6a, he is usually awake!

*We have not started rice cereal yet, but the Pediatrician has said we can start anytime now

*Such a Smiley guy! He really is a happy baby, usually only fusses if he is hungry or tired, or maybe needing a change of scenery!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

what a big boy! love these posts cause I can anticipate Levi's progress:)