Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1st puking on

You will all be glad to know, and probably surprised, I don't have any pictures to share along with this post!

Rowan was up and not well all night last night. She would wake up crying out of a dead sleep. Toss and turn. Wake up again, and so on, all night long. Therefore, not much sleep was had by her and I. Then this morning her fever started at 100.9 and peaked at 102.2. She had some chocolate milk, but nothing to eat. When I finally was able to get a bowl of cereal for myself, she was willing to take a couple bites. Bad idea. And minutes later, she was whining on my lap and puking all over the two of us! Needless to say somehow I managed to get the 2 of us to the bathroom without dripping puke all over. And then by some other grace of god, got her in the bath tub and cleaned up and all our clothes rinsed out and into the washer without puking myself.

Then somehow after a short nap and some more Tylenol, she was miraculously cured by 3pm. Thank god! Yes, this was the first big kid puke we have dealt with in this house. Good thing Ed was at work, or he'd have been puking too!


Cora said...

Big kid puke is soooooooo much worse than baby puke! Way to keep it together mama. And thank goodness it was a short lived bug!

Tammy Sue said...

thank you for sparing us the picture ; ) glad she's better already!