Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Months Old

Where, oh where, has 2 months gone?

I knew it would go fast, especially having 2 kids to occupy my time, but what happened to my little less than 7 pound newborn that curled up in a ball? When it comes to the sleepless nights I wish for him to get big fast so I can sleep again, but then I look at how big he is getting and think that this could be my last baby and I want him to slow down right now!

He is more fun every day though. He smiles like crazy, even at his monkey on his bouncy seat. And talks/coos like no other too. Kicks his legs like mad and gets his arms going too. Still isn't stellar the the tummy time, but lifts his head great when laying on your chest on an incline (especially in the recliner with dad, loves the clock/tree behind it).

Eating isn't an issue anymore. Takes generally 5 ounces (Similac Sensitive) every three hours during the day, and every 4ish hours at night. Occassionally he will go 5 hours at night. Hopefully longer than that sooner than later! I am planning to have this morning be his last dose of Zantac, we will see how it goes. If he gets miserable, we will just start it again, it's as easy as that!

Pooping has been a bit more regulated. Usually at least every other day, but generally only once a day. Definitely a gassy guy though! (Sorry if that was too much information, but this is my journal to help me remember, so readers with have to deal with it!)

Napping during the day is here and there. Generally they are cat naps in the morning time and evening time, with a longer nap just after lunch time. I will say, having a big sister to deal with has led to him being able to sleep through just about anything!

He has started to love his bouncy seat, tolerates the swing for a period of time, and sometimes just plain wants to lay on the floor and be left alone with no entertainment. He definitely loves faces, he could sit on my lap all day and stare at me talking to him! Or anyone for that matter, I guess.

He is generally a fan of bathtime, but generally isn't happy with the drying off and getting dressed process. Baths have become a bit more frequent now that the weather is warming up a bit. Need to keep those neck rolls clean. And the boy harbors just as much lint between his fingers as he does between his toes!

1 comment:

Cora said...

That finger jam is the worst! Eddie sure is adorable! I can't believe how fast 2 months have gone either!