Thursday, May 5, 2011

follow the leader

Another Thursday with swimming lessons! And I remembered the camera this time. Tried to use the new point and shoot, but the quality and zoom wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. But we got a few pictures!

Ed 'accidentally' stayed with the almost 3 year old group today when they split up the class (the teacher said she was close enough) So Rowan got to attempt to listen to the teacher and do as she said? Sort of. The teacher takes each child one at a time and asks them to blow bubbles, and kick and a few other things. Rowan did blow bubbles, but she wasn't so into doing the other things she was asked to do? She has some time.

I have a feeling we will be in this class again through the summer, and hopefully in the next class (no parents) in the Fall. We will see. She just isn't quite ready to sit independently and listen to the teacher and follow directions quite yet. Not that she disobeys, just doesn't quite have the attention span. She is more interested in what the other kids are doing than to listen intently to the teacher. Typical of an almost 3 year old in my mind?

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