Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Parade

We attended the Memorial Day parade this morning in Neenah. The weather this year was a bit different than last year! Last year was cloudy and cool, this year, sunny and hot! I didn't even have any sunscreen with us, so all of us got a little pink. Luckily we had a white long sleeved shirt in the diaper bag for Rowan to put on, and Eddie just hung out in the stroller as much as possible. There wasn't much shade to take advantage of.

The parade started at 9am. We found a spot to sit near the YMCA and in front of a church that had a band and a brat fry. Nothing like a hot dog at 9am! Rowan ate the entire thing! The parade was okay, definitely longer than what I remember last year. But there were way too many cars with people, and none of them were handing out candy! One complaint I have, how do you keep kids interested when you put 10 cars in a row and people waving? Throw candy, duh! Rowan ended up with a few pieces of candy, most of which she ate while watching the parade.

Last year, Rowan was afraid of the bands, but this year she danced along. And she was all about waving her little flag once she got it!

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