Saturday, May 7, 2011

standard trip back home...

Warning...picture heavy post!

So this post is a perfect reason why we sometimes dread our visits back home! Merely because we try to cram as many people into our visit as possible (and it never works, and we fail to make everyone happy), which leads to constant running, no napping, and crabbiness on our part! But for some reason we keep doing it! Oh well.

This weekend we had many reasons to be in town. Casey and Jake were home from FL, Aunt Cheryl's Surprise 50th Bday party, and Mother's Day. Needless to say, we killed a few birds with one stone!

Ed had to work (as usual) Saturday morning, so we left home around 11am. Our first stop was to see Casey and Jake and family. In our visiting we were able to squeeze in a quick haircut for Rowan (2nd haircut ever!), talk some baby talk (Casey and Jake are expecting a baby in October, sex is yet to be determined in 2 weeks!), share our Baby Edy (as Rowan calls him), and of course Rowan was beyond excited to see Jake!
From The Swan residence, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa K's house. We weren't able to see them on Easter (can only be one place at one time) so the bunny had left a few goodies for both Rowan and Eddie. And even had some eggs left to be found! Which Rowan loved, still!
The weather was reasonable outside, so Rowan was able to play outside with Aunt Amanda. Some chalk time, bubbles, and hoola hooping too!
Here is the hula girl in action. Grandma Julie tried to show her how to do it above. Apparently the hoop is a child size making it difficult for adults to use? Per Grandma Julie!
From here we stopped at Nana and Papa's to change clothes and get cleaned up only to head out again to the Delafield Brewhaus to be present for the Surprise! And yes, she was surprised! I really failed at picture taking this night. So this is about all I have for you. Both Ed and I were busy either chasing Rowan or tending to Eddie, so that is my excuse for no pictures. And honestly, I just wasn't in the mood. There were too many people to try to talk to (and I didn't even have time to talk to many that I would have liked to) and of course was past our household bedtime as well. So our stay was sort of short.
Eddie did get to meet his Great Grandma Marion and enjoy a little snuggle time. I managed to get a picture of the important things!

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