Friday, May 13, 2011

2 Month MD appt

Today we were back at the Pediatrician's office for Eddie's routine 2 Month visit! It is so nice to say routine and mention that we haven't been to the doctor for a month! Because his first month of life we were there once a week!

2 Month Statistics:
Height: 24 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 12 pounds 14 ounces (75th percentile)
Head: 41 cm (75th percentile)

Otherwise this check up really was just a check up. His physical exam checked out great. His umbilical hernia is almost resolved. Doctor said it isn't uncommon for it to take a couple of years for them to fully heal on their own! We discussed his diet, he has been on Similac Sensitive for weeks now and doing fine. Plan at this point is just to keep him on this until he is a year. We will see how I am feeling at 6 months old, perhaps we will try to get him on regular formula then like we did with Rowan.  Otherwise, they are essentially the same price, so no need to change for that reason!

He is still on the Zantac for reflux, and we discussed how long we think he needs to be on that. The dose he is getting (1.5 ml two times a day) is therapeutic for him, but he could have up to 1.9 ml two times a day (they usually give them the maximum dose possible because they grow so fast) So we talked about trying him off of it, and if he doesn't tolerate it then to continue at the maximum dose. I will probably wait a couple of days to try stopping the Zantac just because his world was rocked with vaccines today, therefore I don't want to change too many things at one time.

That was really the big things we discussed. We didn't have any concerns, and will see him again at 4 months old!
Eddie did okay with the vaccines. Cried more than I think I have ever heard him cry at one time! But he ate and was okay! A bit inconsoleable at times through the evening but back to himself by morning!
He even looks a bit sad here! My poor baby boy was tough!

1 comment:

Tammy Sue said...

what a soldier! ; )