Friday, June 27, 2008

My guinea pigs...

Yesterday I went to Mukwonago to hang out with Andrea and Breyson, and made them my guinea pigs to experiment with the new camera. It was fun. Of course we couldn't get Breyson to smile for the life of us, but the pictures still turned out cute. They are doing well. Breyson is now 5 weeks old and has already changed a ton!

Gizmo hasn't been able to get out of the spot light either. Poor thing is probably seeing spots permanently from all the flashes going off lately!My other accomplishment over my last couple days off, I finally went and had the carseat inspected for proper installation. Good thing, first of all we couldn't find the latches in my truck. And second, we pretty much failed with how we had it installed, so now our child will be safe. Now we just need to get Ed's truck in next week to have his installed properly, hopefully little Smith will stay in that long!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Our" new toy...

We made our last big purchase to be ready for our little one to arrive, a new camera!!

With the help of Uncle Brad, he found us the deal of a lifetime (at least we think so) on Craig's list. He has been searching Ebay for 3-4 weeks looking for a Canon 30D camera for us with a basic lens within our budget. It didn't seem to be an easy project, we ended up having to expand our budget a bit, but we ended up with a complete package!

So today we drove to Franklin to pick up the new camera, Canon 30D in mint condition, two lenses, a laptop/camera case, two tripods, battery charger, filters, manuals, LCD display protectors, an extra flash, two hoods, and a few other small accessories. But originally we were only planning on getting the camera and a lens. So we lucked out and got a stellar deal.

So now my husband has turned into a photographer, he hasn't put the camera down for the last 3 hours. It is lots of fun to play with. Can't wait to have a little one to take pictures of, poor Gizmo is getting a little annoyed with the flashing in his face constantly.

Here are a few pictures we took outside with the tripod and inside too.

Fingertip and 50% effaced...(37 4/7 weeks)

We had our weekly doctor visit this afternoon, seems to be a common update on the blog lately. But the time is getting very near. So clearly, as evidenced by the title of this post, my cervix was fingertip dilated and 50% effaced, so I guess we are making some progress. Gained a pound this week, glad to see that is slowing down. Blood pressure great again. Heartrate was only 118 this time. Baby must have been sleeping, doctor said that is still within normal limits. So no concerns.
Now I have to sit 3 times a day and monitor baby movements for 30 minute intervals. That is something new to add to the list of things to do. Whatever makes the time and days go by faster.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Nursery Update...(37 2/7 weeks)

Due to lack of other exciting things to write about from the weekend, I think we are safe to say the babies room is officially as organized as I can get it at this point, and I am out of closet space within the entire house to make room for baby stuff. So here are a few pictures of the babies room and some of the fun things he/she will be able to enjoy very soon.
The crib, currently has the bumper pads inside, haven't decided if I am going to leave them in. I figure the baby won't be sleeping in the crib immediately anyways, so we will let it look cute for now at least.
Here is the dresser we painted, also to be utilized as the changing table.

The bassinett, set up in our bedroom, ready to be used!
We re-arranged the family room to make room for the pack n play, this is where we plan for the baby to nap during the day. We'll see how that works.
This is my one piece of artwork to hang in the room. It will be hung above the window.

The left hand side of the closet.

The right side of the closet.

The toys that haven't been assembled, as they won't be used for a few months.

The one thing I have left to accomplish, pack my bag for the hospital. I am hesitating since my wardrobe that fits these days isn't very extensive. So it might be a last minute thing. The diaper bag is ready to go though! That is all that really matters.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baby Smith Update...(36 4/7 weeks)

We now start the weekly visits to the doctors office. Today went well, BP was 102/52 (good!), heartrate was 138, gained a little weight, measured at 35.5cm, cervix is closed! Had the GBS culture done today, will get results next week. I guess that sums up the visit.

Ed and I made our final trip (I hope) to Babies R Us, before the baby is born anyway. Made some last minute returns and bought a few things we thought were essential to have before the baby is born that we hadn't received. So now I just need to finish washing baby items, finalize my closet and room organization, get the carseat bases installed properly (we are having issues figuring out the latch system), and get a few last minute items for myself to be ready for this little one.

I guess we are pretty much ready, I would like at least another week though, and the way my cervix is looking, I don't forsee the baby coming too early, which is fine with me. I refuse to go more than a week overdue though!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another trip to the ER...

The baby and I are fine, Ed on the other hand...

...made about his fourth trip to the Emergency Room today courtesy of Menards. I think it is only his third time with stitches, but who is counting, I am sure we have forgotten a few. While Ed was working hard at Menards today he got in a fight with some roofing materials (sheet metal)he was pulling for a delivery, and the roofing materials won. Ed ended up with a 3 inch gash in his right shin, requiring a trip to the Elmbrook Memorial ER and 8 stitches.

Ed had come home for lunch, went back to work, and within a half hour was in the ER, two hours later he calls me, says he is on his way home and tells me this story. Thanks for calling earlier I said, he didn't want me to worry! Probably a good call. So in 10-14 days, I will be removing these stitches! Saves us another trip to the doctor I guess. Ed came home saying he was going to still play in his hockey game tonight, until after we took a short nap and Ed woke us with a bit of a stiff leg, all I said was 'I told you so'! So he will be resting his leg for the night!

Happy Father's Day... all the dad's in our lives, Happy Father's Day!

Gizmo has no idea he is about to share his daddy with another little one, should be interesting!

The Final Shower...(36 weeks)

Yesterday was our last and final baby shower. It was thrown by a few of my aunts on my dad's side of the family (Knutsons). It was held at Brian and Leslie's house in Waukesha, and boy were we blessed with some lovely weather. The shower started at 1pm and ended at 3:30pm, and it was hot and sunny the entire time. The storm clouds started to roll in after I got home. So we were able to have the shower outside on their lovely deck.

We started the shower with very tasty wraps, fruit salad (in a wonderfully creative watermelon buggy made by Leslie!) veggies, sunchips, punch, cookies, mini-cakes, trail mix n mints too. The theme was not only duckies, but brown and green everything to go with it. Very nicely done.

We played a few games, none of which I managed to win. We had a word find, gift bingo, "don't say the word baby", and measure the belly too.

Andrea with Breyson, once again the little guy got passed around and loved by all the women. He will be a month old on Tuesday, he is getting big so fast. We will have some great play dates very soon!

Once again we received many wonderful gifts. Which I have spent most of the day trying to make room for. There is plenty of room, it is just a matter or organizing the right way, I tend to be a bit anal. So I am getting there. But I have now started the washing marathon. Didn't realize how much there would be to wash, from clothes to bath towels and washcloths, to blankets and crib bedding, you name it, it needs to be washed.

My next goal for the week is to pack my bag for the hospital. You just never know when this baby will decide to make an appearance, and I figure if I am prepared early, it won't come early. Sort of like warding off evil spirits! We'll see if it works.

On a side note, it is a little depressing to think that this was the last shower we will ever have. We went through the many wedding showers, and now the many baby showers, and that is all you get showered for! Sad to think it is all over. Granted I had enough showers for like three people, just shows how much our friends and family love us!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daddy's Boy...

In the last week I have gotten a few cute pictures of Ed and Gizmo. I think he knows that I am harboring an addition to the family, he seems to be quite the Daddy's boy lately. Perhaps it is because Ed has a bit more energy than I do these days. Doesn't help that we have been assembling some baby things, all of which Gizmo seems to be afraid of. Gizmo is even afraid of the guitar when Ed plays Guitar Hero, what a scaredy 'dog'!
Gizmo's favorite place to lay is in front of the door when the door is open.

(These last two pictures he is actually laying on the couch with me)

Congratulations Mitchell...

Last night we attended 8th Grade Promotion to celebrate Mitchell moving on to high school next year. Yikes, time sure has flown by! The ceremony was just over an hour long, but if felt like we were sitting on those bleachers for days. Not comfortable, good thing we have 4 years before we have to do that again!

Everyone meet Mike, Amanda's boyfriend, already suckered into family pictures!!

Mitchell and Jordyn, the 8th Grade graduates!

High School Class of 2012!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy 26th Birthday Ed III...

Happy Birthday Honey!!
Megan, Gizmo and Baby Smith!

Sorry you had to spend your day at Menards working and attending a church meeting! Goes to show how much birthdays don't matter as much as you get older.
We all know how Ed can't wait for presents and is super nosey, so he got his birthday gift on friday! Here he is playing it (XBox 360) The last toy he will receive for a very long time as our child will be getting the toys from now on!
Happy Birthday to Grandpa Dick too!
We won't disclose what year he is celebrating!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Piranhas Win!!!

Ed had a hockey game last night, and they finally won! The score was 5-4, and Ed had an assist! I wasn't able to see the game because I had to work, but it sounds like Ed had a better time coming home with a win. Their record is now 1-3. Ed knew some of the guys on the other team from high school as well! I think he is starting to feel a little better after games soreness wise now as well. Although, there was an ice pack next to the bed this morning when I got home. I think he is still nursing a sore shoulder from last game.
Sorry, this isn't a picture from last night, but I don't like posting without something to look at! Go #42!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Congratulations Jessie and Chris...

We successfully made the trip to Stevens Point on Saturday to attend Chris and Jessie's wedding. By successfully I mean, the baby stayed inside my belly! The wedding was very nice, good thing all the festivities were planned for inside given all the rain we had around the state. The wedding was at 1:30 pm, it was fairly quick. Then we all headed back to the hotel where we hung out in my parents and Ashley and Kerry's room and endulged in some appetizers and drinks. Some endulged more than others! Cocktail hour started at 5:30 pm, which we were all at promptly, then dinner followed at 6:30 pm. After dinner the dancing started, our family wasn't as wild and crazy as they can sometimes be, well behaved overall.
Here is Ed practicing to be a daddy!! He did a very nice job spoiling Breyson!

Here is Ed realizing this is his last hoorah before he becomes a daddy.

We were on the road home before 9am on Sunday as I had to work Sunday night, and turns out my husband had a bit of a hangover! We will leave it at that! It was a long ride home in the pouring rain, and then we were welcomed by some water in the basement like most other people in southeastern WI. Fun fun!!
Sorry I don't have a lot of pictures to share, we purchased a new camera on Friday before the wedding so that we could try it out, and turns out I was not pleased with it and will be returning it. So I gave up on the camera rather early!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Brown and Green Delight...(34 5/7 weeks)

Where do I even begin?

I got to enjoy a wonderful shower last night with my wonderful co-workers and friends. The festivities were held at Amy's house in Oconomowoc, and she never ceases to amaze me with her entertaining abilities. The shower theme should I call it, was green and brown, just like our nursery. Plates, napkins, diaper cake, wrapping paper, you name it, it was all "brown and green delight!" The many people who represent St. Joe's NICU!
The menu for the night included summer salads, fresh breads, cheeses, wine, flavored teas, cheesecake (multiple flavors), pies, and many other splendid appetizers. We started with appetizers, then opened gifts, then had our main course (for what room we had left in our bellies), then played a couple games, then on to dessert. Of course with us women, there was much socializing going on the entire time, and the usual work talk that we can never seem to leave at the hospital. I can't even explain to you how generous these women I work worth are. We received many wonderful items, including the remaining few big items we didn't think we would receive. The breastfeeding pump and bouncy seat were the bigger items left on the list that we figured we wouldn't get by without, and these women accomplished that for us. So wonderful. Of course there were plenty of other adorable baby items as well, from clothing (some gender specific!), to bath items, to medicines, to blankets, to breastfeeding accessories, you name it, we got it. We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

Thanks to Lisa, I am able to share some updated belly photos too. Apparently my lack of wanting my bare belly photographed isn't allowed by these ladies either, so those might be to come, if I can get Ed to take them. We'll see if I give in to the pressure. I know pregnancy is a beautiful thing, there is just something about veiney, pastey, stretched skin that isn't appealing to me, especially when it is mine!