Saturday, May 3, 2008

Polka Dot Shower...(30 weeks)

Well, another busy weekend started out with a wonderful baby shower put on by Molly and Sue Smith! Shower #3 was a polka dot theme, and believe me, everything followed the circle/dot motif. First of all, the decorations were all round, or with polka dots. The food was all circular shaped or round, for example, we had wraps that were circle shaped, the fruit was scooped in balls, the cheese puffs were circular, the cake was polka dot, Molly's gift wrap was polka dot paper, the Baby pool was adorned in the polka dot paper, the bowls that served the fruit had polka dots on them, you name it, it had polka dots. Such a creative idea. Poor Molly was running out of ideas for games and gifts and what not as she has followed the updates on the previous showers I have had. But have no fear she still came up with wonderful new games and ideas!
So onto the games....we plays a baby name matching game. There was a list of celebrities, and a list of all their babies names and we had to match the appropriate babies to their parents, I was not good at all, but some women got 11 out of 15 correct, I maybe got a 50% and that was with extra help from Tara! The other game we played was Baby Prices is Right. So there were like 5 or 6 items we had to guess the price of and who ever was closest in total, won. And then we got to keep the items. The items were things like, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, baby oil and baby bath wash. Again, I didn't win, oh well! And the third game was to see how long it took me to drink 4 ounces of water from a baby bottle with a newborn nipple. Everyone had to guess a time frame and whoever was closest, won. It took me about 9 minutes, it was not easy. I thought I was going to have a blister on my tongue when I was done, but I didn't. Oh, and I can't forget, the prizes for the games were bags of M & M's (again round/circular in shape!!)

Then came gift time, once again this unborn child was spoiled royally!! Some of the bigger items included the stroller and carseat, the swing base for the carseat, a couple tummy time/floor mat activity centers, the bumbo seat, a piggy bank and matching frame (polka dot!!), some onesies, bath stuff, Baby Gap gift card, a couple blankets, and the list goes on. Another truck full to say the least.
Kieran had lots of fun helping with garbage and playing with the tissue paper.

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