Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ed II's 50th Not So Surprise Party...

Following the shower, we moved everyone from Sue and Ed's house over to our house to quickly prepare for the "Surprise" 50th Party for Ed II. We had everything essentially ready that morning, but just needed to get the people to our house before Ed II arrived as the shower went a little later than anticipated. We did manage to get most everyone here before Ed II arrived, but the weather put a bit of a damper on things as well.

The men had planned to golf 18 holes during the shower and then arrive at our house after 4pm, but since the weather was crappy, they only did 9 holes, and it was a wet 9 holes. So following golf they all went to a sports bar in Hartland to waste some time as the shower was still going on. Turns out Ed was getting a bit antsy at the bar so we had to hurry and get to our house as Ed II wanted to leave the bar. So his arrival was a bit prior to 4pm, but there were enough people here to give him the surprise. Also, turns out little things people were saying sort of gave the surprise away anyway, but he still enjoyed the party we think. It is difficult when family is coming from out of town and possibly needing a place to stay and what not to pull the wool over Ed's eyes. But that is fine, Sue's party last year didn't turn out to be much of a surprise either, but it is the thought that counts, right?
So anyway, it turned out to be a house and garage party due to the weather. We had a ton of food of course, and plenty of beverages to go around as well. The pig roast was a hit, Gizmo especially really enjoyed it, minus the pig head. Certain people were tormenting him with the pig head, he was rather afraid of it, he is afraid of some weird things, including the baby stroller, we'll have to work on that. But he got plenty of handouts from people, which is why he hasn't eaten his dog food in two days. Anyways, back to the party.
Ed II got plenty of gag gifts for being the big 5-0. The funny thing is, there are people in this world that probably actually use some of the crazy things he received. Needless to say, after an evening of entertaining and food, our house was a bit of a disaster. Well in my book, I tend to be a bit of a neat freak, so it was killing me not to sweep the floor every 10 minutes and pick up after people. But as of today, it is all back to normal, kitchen is mopped, garage is cleaned out, we pawned off some extra food on family so we have some room in our refridgerator again. But plenty of leftovers for the next couple of days. Now we just need to get Gizmo back on schedule with eating and sleeping. Find room for all the wonderful baby things we have received in the last couple of weeks, and prepare for this little bundle of joy. As I was napping on the couch this afternoon, I was thinking about how I only have a couple months left to do this until there is a baby that our lives with revolve around, yikes!! It is coming quick!!

Otherwise, Ed just has a few classes left this semester. He is taking a summer class, and then the one year countdown is on until graduation. That will probably be the next and last party we will be having, until it is birthday parties for the baby!!
Lastly, here is a picture of Ed and his long lost child. Just kidding. This is Bryson, Ed's cousin Tara's second son who looks just like Ed when he was little. So this is what our son, should it be a boy, potentially look like. Ed is practicing getting used to holding babies, he even changed Bryson's diaper, no poop though, personally I don't think that counts. But of course I got a picture of him in action, he did a fine job!!

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