Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nasty Cold, Hockey, Confirmation and Breyson

Nasty Cold
I guess it has been over a week since I have posted, but not too much exciting is really going on in this household. Last Thursday I came home from work with a sore throat, by Friday I was developing a cough, by Sunday it moved to my sinuses, and today it is all of the above minus the sore throat. So despite working (which I probably shouldn't have) the last two nights, I have been medicating with the little I am allowed and trying to rest. I probably over did it a bit last week with meetings and working extra and whatever else, but I think the cold is moving along. Just ready for it to be gone, it is hard enough to sleep well being pregnant and then throw a cold and not being able to breath into the mix, makes it even worse.

On a lighter note, Ed had his first hockey game of the summer on sunday night. I had to work so I was unable to attend, so no pictures, but here is a snapshot of how he said it went. The team lost the game, but Ed scored 1 goal, had 2 assists, 6 minutes of penalty time, only threw up once after the first period, has at least 3 blisters on his feet and couldn't move the next day he was so sore. I think he had difficulty just walking from the truck to the shower after the game that night. So despite the loss, it was a successful game. I think he realized he isn't in as good of shape as he thought!

Ed and I attended our church for the first time since our wedding (1 year and 9 months ago) to witness my brother Mitchell being confirmed. Ed was surprised that the pastor even remembered his name, she has called me Amanda in the past also. She called us both by name when we went through for communion, impressive. Anyways, the service really was painless, we just don't have the time to spend our sundays in church with us working weekends.

This is one of not so many pictures of Ed and I since I have been pregnant. Now I know why!

Mitchell is looking so grown up! You should hear his voice, starting to get a bit deeper!

Breyson John Schuett
Aaron and Andrea welcomed their baby boy into the world this morning at 8:11am. He is 7 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long. Sorry no pictures to share yet, I am going to visit them tomorrow so stay tuned for photos of the new family! Both Andrea and Breyson are doing well!

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