Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby Smith Update...(32 4/7 weeks)

Another long wait at the doctors office for a few minutes of one on one doctor time. Oh well, just glad to leave with good news all the time. Visit went fine, my weight stayed the same as last visit (probably because of the cold I am fighting) Blood pressure was good, heart rate today was 133. And we are measuring right on! So it was a good visit minus the wait.

Prior to the doctor visit, I went to Children's Hospital to visit Aaron, Andrea and Breyson! They are all doing well, they had a pretty good first night, and of course he is cute as ever. Little guy is on a bilirubin blanket for jaundice, they plan to go home tomorrow! Andrea is nervous, Breyson is getting circumcised tonight!

He was hungry, thus the scowling at the camera! He has seen enough bright lights!

Mommy and Breyson!

Proud Daddy!

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