Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Baby Update...(30 4/7 weeks)

Had another bi-monthly doctor appointment this afternoon. Again, all is well. Heartrate was at an all time low of 128 this time (which is still okay) we've just gotten used to hearing 140's. I am guessing I measured fine as the doctor didn't say anything otherwise. My blood pressure is still stellar as always, the numbers on the scale keep going up, which I guess is good for now.

I inquired about Pediatricians, as I have been asking around the ladies at work for recommendations. So I asked for an opinion from my doctor, and she was on board with the names given to my by my fellow co-workers, so now I just need to call and make sure they are accepting new patients and decide if I feel the need to go meet them before the baby is born. Right now I am rather unmotivated to do that, and Ed definitely won't be interested. It was like pulling teeth to get him to go to the doctor with me today, and it thankfully was a quick in and out appointment.

Lastly, I got the approval to have hot dogs!!! Yahoooo.... Ed has been forbidding me to eat them as they were on the list of things to not eat while pregnant because of the nitrates. I had bought Cheddar Wurst a few weeks ago because they were on sale and have been craving them and Ed hasn't let me have them. Now I got the official okay, but in moderation of course. My plan wasn't to eat all 6 by myself, all I want is 1, geez!

So anyway, I have some major television watching to catch up on, it has been weeks and the DVR is filling up. Hope this finds everyone doing well!

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