Friday, May 9, 2008

Contact Dermatitis...(30 6/7 weeks)

When I woke up Wednesday afternoon after working Tuesday night, I had some red raised itchy bumps on my right arm. I thought I had been bitten by something while I was sleeping and just brushed it off. Put some over the counter hydrocortisone cream on to stop the itching and went about my business. Even had my doctor appointment, but didn't mention it to her because I thought it was nothing.

Well, come Thursday night it had gotten slightly worse, more reddened, becoming more of a blotchy looking raised rash. So I took my husbands advice and called the doctor on Friday morning. Started by calling my OB office to see which doctor I should see and they recommended either my Family Practice Doctor or the Dermatologist, because the nurse said chances are they wouldn't be able to diagnose whatever it was. So turns out I was able to get into my dermatologist (with a physicians assistant) that same morning and have it looked at.

My biggest worry was the fact that I had to work that night and wasn't sure if it was appropriate for me to be around sick babies with some random rash on my arm. The thought that I had gotten it from a baby when working earlier in the week also crossed my mind, because gloves don't cover that far up your wrist or arm. So to make this long story short, they called it Contact Dermatitis and gave me samples and a prescription of a stronger topical steroid. She had said if I continued on with the over the counter steriod it could have taken 6-8 weeks to go away. So we will see how much the extra doctors trip and co-pay helps the rash. Hopefully it will be gone sooner than later. It was a pain having to cover it up at work friday night. It seems to be improving, but not as fast as I would like. We will see, I am supposed to return to the dermatologist in 2 weeks. If it is gone, I will be saving my $30 and cancelling the appointment, keeping our fingers crossed.

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