Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend...

Overall our weekend was rather uneventful. We both worked on friday, therefore I slept on Saturday, and Ed worked part of the day Saturday and most of Sunday.

Casey came home from Florida for the long weekend to see her new nephew Breyson, friends and family. Saturday afternoon she came over to hang out for a few hours and catch up. Saturday night, Ed and I went out to dinner (due to not wanting to make anything) and then came home and relaxed.

Sunday while Ed was at work, I went to Mukwonago with Casey and Jennie to visit Aaron, Andrea and Breyson. We brought bagels and some fruit and juice to share with the new family. Casey was a little under the weather so she relaxed on the couch while Jennie and I hogged the baby.
Casey under the weather!

These pictures were taken by Aaron and Andrea, after coming home from the hosptial, but i had to share them because they are so darn cute. (This is why I need a new camera)

When Ed got home from work we went over to Ed and Sue's house for dinner. Had some tasty shish-kabobs on the grill, watermelon and a delightful strawberry dessert. We played a few rounds of Crazy 8's and then it was home to relax again. Gizmo came along of course so he and Tallulah ran around and played a bit.
Then Monday we ran some errands in the morning, and stopped by the Swan's to say goodbye to Casey before she left Tuesday for FL again. No matter how many times she has been home to visit, it is still just as hard to say good bye as the first time she left WI almost 2 years ago. At least this time I can blame it on the whole pregnancy and hormones thing. It is hard to say goodbye to your cousin and best friend. Next time she is home our child will be on the outside, crazy! Then it was home to relax and for me to nap as I had to work Monday night.

So as you can see, nothing too crazy took place this weekend! We are saving up for the crazy days and nights to come when we are parents! 6 1/2 more weeks!

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