Monday, May 30, 2011

11 weeks old

My chunky monkey beach babe with his sly smile!

So loveable!

let there be sun...

Got the pool out today for the first time. Needed to cool off after the steamy Memorial Day parade!

Memorial Day Parade

We attended the Memorial Day parade this morning in Neenah. The weather this year was a bit different than last year! Last year was cloudy and cool, this year, sunny and hot! I didn't even have any sunscreen with us, so all of us got a little pink. Luckily we had a white long sleeved shirt in the diaper bag for Rowan to put on, and Eddie just hung out in the stroller as much as possible. There wasn't much shade to take advantage of.

The parade started at 9am. We found a spot to sit near the YMCA and in front of a church that had a band and a brat fry. Nothing like a hot dog at 9am! Rowan ate the entire thing! The parade was okay, definitely longer than what I remember last year. But there were way too many cars with people, and none of them were handing out candy! One complaint I have, how do you keep kids interested when you put 10 cars in a row and people waving? Throw candy, duh! Rowan ended up with a few pieces of candy, most of which she ate while watching the parade.

Last year, Rowan was afraid of the bands, but this year she danced along. And she was all about waving her little flag once she got it!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


We were back in the Pewaukee/Menomonee Falls area today to have our picture taken with Aunt Amanda and Uncle Mitch. Grandma wanted her picture of all of us updated. It had last been taken when Rowan was a few months old!

So we headed to Grandma and Grandpa K's house in the late afternoon, went to Menomonee Park for pictures and then back to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and then home.

The picture taking was quite questionable. Rowan was interested and cooperated for about 10 minutes! So the outcome might not be good. And Eddie was ready for a nap so he wasn't so into it either. Stay tuned for the results in a couple weeks.

We planned our outfits around this super cute collared shirt for Eddie!

Friday, May 27, 2011

will the cool days

...ever end?

More long sleeves and pants today! But cute pics to show for it!

Monday, May 23, 2011

10 Weeks Old

2 cute


Notice her super red cheeks? That isn't sunburn! Yesterday we were outside for a couple hours in the morning playing with McKenna, and I put 70 spf Neutrogena sunscreen on her. I lathered her face, and sprayed her arms and legs. And today she has a the red cheeks and a rash on her arms and legs. And that is all I can lend it to. It is the first time she has ever used that brand of sunscreen.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shrek and Fiona

This was the first Schuett birthday party we have been able to attend. All of Breyson and Sawyers parties have fallen on weekends that I have had to work, so we weren't missing Breyson's 3rd Birthday party since I am still on maternity leave (not for much longer though).

Andi and Aaron hosted a Shrek party (of Breyson's choosing of course). All eating items were named after something related to the movie, as were the decorations, games, and treat bags too. I didn't get a picture of the cake/cupcakes, but the cake was a small Shrek face, and then the cupcakes had green frosting and fondant shrek ears! Too cute.

It was evident that Rowan wasn't used to formal birthday parties, as she was much more interested in playing than in participating in party things. For example, she didn't play the food toss game, she didn't watch one gift get opened, nor did she take a swing at the pinata. She was either on the swing set, or riding a bike, or in the playroom (with other kids of course) but I was surprised she had her own plan for the party! There were 17 kids at the party total, so there were plenty of kids off on their own just like Rowan!
I didn't do the best job of taking pictures, but I got a few!

After the party we stopped to pick up Gizmo and were on our way home, as we had 2 sleeping kids in the car! That is what lots of playing and no napping does!

jumpin' around

When Ed got home from work this morning, we jumped in the car and headed to Delafield. We had plans to attend Breyson's birthday party in Mukwonago in the afternoon, but Ed wanted to squeeze in a round of golf. So we left early and the kids and I were able to stop and play/visit with Lisa, Maya and Mason while Daddy golfed.

Rowan loved it. She got to jump on their trampoline, I think her first time ever doing so. They also played on the swing set (until it started to rain) and then the playing moved inside! While the kids were playing Lisa and I got to catch up, and I got to borrow some more clothes for Rowan and Eddie as well! Very exciting for me. We had clothes to give back to Lisa and Andrea, but I think I went home with more than I had brought back. Oh well!

Friday, May 20, 2011

blue eyed boy

Another great night for taking pictures outside!


Rowan is constantly asking to play with McKenna lately. She is like her long lost friend. McKenna lives next door and is about 2 months younger than Rowan. You would think they played together every day. But sadly that isn't the case. But in the last week or so they have been able to play together a few times, and did so wonderfully.

McKenna's mommy is going to have a baby this month! Another girl! So hopefully while she is off we will be able to get the kids together a bit more to play!

the Dominican Republic

visits Wisconsin...

Today we had a very fun playdate with 'kids'! A girlfriend of mine from high school, who I haven't seen in roughly 9 years, and now lives in the Dominican Republic, was back in Wisconsin and looking for some entertainment while back in the states came up to visit with her 2 kids. Because Rowan hadn't met them before, I was just telling her that there were 'kids' coming to play with her today. And she had a blast.
Mandi and her husband Mike moved to the Dominican in 2006 when she accepted a job allowing her to use her Photography skills with a Ministry there. Her husband also works with the Ministry as well. Their son Landon is almost 4, and their daughter Emi (Nohemi) is 18 months. Though Mandi was pregnant with both of them while living in the Dominican, she came back to the states long enough before delivery in order to deliver them in the United States.

The kids all got along very well! Eddie slept most of the time they were here, thus the only picture of him is him sleeping. We played inside and outside, had lunch, and Rowan even shared her popples with them too! It was beautiful outside thankfully!

It was a great visit, you would never know that we hadn't seen each other in so long! Wish we could get together more often! I really appreciate her driving up here to visit. I think the next time she is in the states, I will be ready to make the day trip with 2 kids alone! More pictures to come once Mandi sends me her photos!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

swimmin' Minnie

Rowan is so busy during swimming that it is hard for me to get an actual picture of her swimming suits, especially from the front! But she got a new suit from Aunt Casey and Uncle Jake, and it has Minnie Mouse on it! She loves it!
Hard to believe we are almost done with this session of swimming again, the weeks just fly by! Not sure if she will be able to advance to the non-parent class for the summer or not. We are sort of hoping so, but she might not be ready to listen very well we are afraid!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

hockey girl...

and boy, eventually...

Nana and Papa came up today to spend a few hours with the kids while I went to the eye doctor and the store quick (thank you!). And of course they didn't come empty handed. Over the weekend they were out shopping and found this hockey net, small stick, and balls for the kids. Right now, clearly Eddie won't be partaking in the fun, but Rowan is and is catching on quickly!

Both Nana and Papa were showing Rowan how to hold the stick. Papa was showing her left handed, and Nana right handed. So perhaps she will be able to shoot both ways when she gets older? She will decide which way is easiest for her once she gets a bit better at it!

Thanks to them, we now have a new fixture in our living room. As if we have room for more toys in there!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

work in progress

the graduate

Aunt Amanda graduated from Carroll University this month, and has started working more, but had the day off today so came up for the day to visit! We took the kids and headed to the outlet mall to do some quick shopping, then home for a nap and then played outside for a bit too before she headed home. The day went quickly, but it is always much appreciated to have an extra set of hands and another adult to talk to!

Monday, May 16, 2011

9 Weeks Old

My Smiley Guy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

flying kites

With the wind tunnel we have in the backyard, kites are sure to fly! Just watch out for the neighbors trees!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Months Old

Where, oh where, has 2 months gone?

I knew it would go fast, especially having 2 kids to occupy my time, but what happened to my little less than 7 pound newborn that curled up in a ball? When it comes to the sleepless nights I wish for him to get big fast so I can sleep again, but then I look at how big he is getting and think that this could be my last baby and I want him to slow down right now!

He is more fun every day though. He smiles like crazy, even at his monkey on his bouncy seat. And talks/coos like no other too. Kicks his legs like mad and gets his arms going too. Still isn't stellar the the tummy time, but lifts his head great when laying on your chest on an incline (especially in the recliner with dad, loves the clock/tree behind it).

Eating isn't an issue anymore. Takes generally 5 ounces (Similac Sensitive) every three hours during the day, and every 4ish hours at night. Occassionally he will go 5 hours at night. Hopefully longer than that sooner than later! I am planning to have this morning be his last dose of Zantac, we will see how it goes. If he gets miserable, we will just start it again, it's as easy as that!

Pooping has been a bit more regulated. Usually at least every other day, but generally only once a day. Definitely a gassy guy though! (Sorry if that was too much information, but this is my journal to help me remember, so readers with have to deal with it!)

Napping during the day is here and there. Generally they are cat naps in the morning time and evening time, with a longer nap just after lunch time. I will say, having a big sister to deal with has led to him being able to sleep through just about anything!

He has started to love his bouncy seat, tolerates the swing for a period of time, and sometimes just plain wants to lay on the floor and be left alone with no entertainment. He definitely loves faces, he could sit on my lap all day and stare at me talking to him! Or anyone for that matter, I guess.

He is generally a fan of bathtime, but generally isn't happy with the drying off and getting dressed process. Baths have become a bit more frequent now that the weather is warming up a bit. Need to keep those neck rolls clean. And the boy harbors just as much lint between his fingers as he does between his toes!