Monday, December 13, 2010

twenty-six weeks

Another week down, and the countdown is now to double digits in days! Hard to believe!

I feel like this baby is sitting on my pelvic bone! I know the uterus has plenty of growing to give this baby room to move up a bit, but I feel like my belly button is between my breasts. And I don't remember such movement so low when I was pregnant with Rowan. Anyway, otherwise all is well.


molly and blayne said...

Oh wow - the baby had a growth spurt last week! I'm really getting a boy vibe on this one!

We skyped with Eddie & Rowan on Saturday. After we hung up, Kieran was asking about the baby and I asked him if Rowan was going to have a brother or sister. He said "The baby Megan has in her tummy is a boy! That's cool!"

Tammy Sue said...

model belly.

Katie said...

It must be a boy...that's my guess. And I have to agree with couldn't have a more perfect belly!

Cora said...

soooo cute!

Nicole said...

Lookin' good, girl! You do pregnancy well!