Friday, December 17, 2010

socks and snacks

...we started out the Smith gathering with appetizers and stockings! We did manage to squeeze some veggies into the rather unhealthy arrangement, not that they got eaten! And I didn't get a picture of the cookie tray that was refilled rather often throughout the weekend! Man did we eat well though!
And Kieran even talked Nana and Papa into letting us open our sock gifts tonight as well, instead of waiting until Saturday! Rowan was an opening machine, when hers were all opened, she moved on to ours! Grady just hung out and observed the commotion! Poor guy has been sick the last couple of days, double ear infection, bronchitis and some puking too. Postponed their departure today a bit, but they made it, and he hasn't puked since the morning! Funny thing is, you would never know anything was bothering the little guy.
Since we had such an abundance of food, Gail and Dennis joined us while we played some Catch Phrase and laughed the night away. It was off to bed early for Rowan and I. Rowan had no nap, and I got 1.5 hours of sleep after working last night. Not a good way to start the busy weekend, but oh well!

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