Thursday, December 30, 2010

long lost friends

I don't know who was happier that the weather was appropriate so that we were able to make the trip for Lily's birthday party, Rowan or I?

I have been having extreme withdrawl from my St. Joe's friends. I didn't even get to see all of them, but a few is better than none! I just haven't found friends like them up here, and it makes for severe gossip withdrawl, and lack of good advice when it comes to pregnancy and toddlers, husbands too sometimes!

Anyway, Rowan and I got to enjoy Lily Pearl's 2nd birthday party with her and all our friends! It was a turtle party perfect for a little girl! Rowan got to color and play with stickers, and pretend to play hot turtle (she didn't quite get the concept), and eat, and run. She loved it. She played great with the other kids. And there was no lack of holding Miss Jillian either. She kept asking to hold her, and when she wasn't, she was hovering over Cora when she was feeding or burping her (sorry Cora). A sign of what is to come! And of course, the time was too short. I didn't even get the scratch the surface of catching up with the ladies, but that is to be expected with kids!


Cora said...

We miss you too Meggie! I agree, it wasn't a long enough visit. Those darn kids did keep us from chatting. I am so glad that you made the trip down. And I'm sorry, but you won't be able to find friends like us up there...we are irreplaceable!

Lisa said...

I was happy to see you pull up especially since I didn't know you were coming :) It's never a long enough visit, especially with all those chillin's running around. I agree we are irreplaceable! So, when your 3 years are up you should consider coming back ;)