Monday, December 6, 2010

25 weeks

Finally, another doctor appointment. I haven't had an actual appointment in 8 weeks. So I was afraid to see the numbers!

Overall, not too bad! My blood pressure was fine, 104/58. Baby's heartrate was 144. I have gained 21 pounds total so far! The nurse was surprised, the doctor didn't say anything about it, so I am going to assume she is okay with it! I was just looking back to see what I had gained with Rowan's pregnancy at this point, and I wasn't disclosing that information apparently. I am probably right on track to my 40 pound total weight gain as I did with Rowan. I don't think I will gain more than 20 pounds in the next 15 weeks, but who knows I guess!

The doctor measured my fundal height, but didn't comment on it, so I will assume it is within normal limits! Got to drink the fabulous sugar drink and wait an hour to have my blood drawn to rule out gestational diabetes. And of course they didn't give me the results on that, so we will be calling in a couple of days if I don't hear anything. Otherwise, back for another 10 minute check up in 4 weeks. Then we will be onto the 2 week check ups, hard to believe.
Thank the office for their fish tank, or Rowan would have been bored silly. We wandered to the Gift Shop, but it was a rinky dink shop with not much to offer, so that didn't waste much time. And luckily women came in with babies and other kids, so Rowan was entertained by them too.


Nicole said...

Happy 25 Weeks and congrats on a good appt! Keep growing that great baby!

Cora said...

Great appointment! I'm so glad things are going so well for you. Yuck on the GD drink!

Casey said...

That belly is serious...