Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blodgett Xmas 2010

Rowan is practicing her smile for her next Christmas gathering! She looks like such a big girl in this picture. Growing up too fast!
After an early morning (Rowan was up at 530am) and breakfast with the Smith's, we were off to Aunt Karen and Doug's house for Christmas and lunch! Rowan managed to fall asleep 5 minutes into our 10 minute drive, so Ed sat in the car with her for awhile when we arrived so she could get in a short nap.
Of course it then took her a bit to warm up after waking up, but she was pretty good for most of the day. Despite her continued pooping problem (we made it through the day in one outfit though!), and lack of sleep all weekend, she did well. Again she was very spoiled. Lots of Snow White and Tinkerbell dress up stuff, shoes, tiaras, wands, a Small Fry from Build a Bear, and more. She was very into Karen's camera too. Perhaps she shoulda put a play camera on her xmas list!
After gifts, we sat down for a nice chicken lunch complete with veggies, rolls, potatoes, and dessert of course. And were on our way home shortly after clean up was done. Ed wasn't feeling very well (didn't clean his plate for a meal means something isn't right) and Rowan was ready for a nap, so we filled the few spare spots that were left in the truck and off we went.
 Here is a very limited picture of some of the things we all received on this very spoiled weekend. And this isn't even close the everything. Nana and Papa got us a new tv for our bedroom, I got some new Uggs, Gizmo got a new car seat cover for traveling in the car (homemade by Nana), Rowan got a makeup table and plenty of other things. These were just the big highlights! Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie got Rowan and Kieran a party bag of M&M's of their own, we told them that paybacks are going to be brutal when they have kids. Warning!

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