Saturday, December 18, 2010

Smith Christmas 2010

Not sure where to start with this busy, rough, yet fun filled day! What day isn't fun with presents, family and food. Until you throw in explosive diapers resulting in mulitple outfit changes, a sore butt, no nap, not good sleep at night, and a toddler girl = rough patches throughout the day!

So here the day started with presents after a fabulous breakfast! Notice outfit #1, complete with a dress and tights. Lasted all of maybe 30 minutes until there was poop seeping through each layer. Therefore it was diaper change time and outfit change time, which Rowan wasn't a fan of at all. Major breakdown!
After coaxing Rowan into a clean diaper and a shirt (refusing pants at this point), we were happy with our new Tinkerbell dress on too. Took a good 15 minutes before she was willing and wanting to open presents again. She observed in the mean time. And then became very interested in what the boys were getting more so than her own gifts! Next year Nana and Papa are going to buy the kids all the same things so they are all satisfied! They shared very nicely overall!
After opening many fabulous gifts, and playing with all of them too, we moved on to some cookie decorating. I ended up decorating most of the cookies to eliminate some of the mess, but the kids did enjoy some messy time too. They even helped Uncle Dusty make the frosting. Kieran was into the whole frosting and decorating idea, of course promptly eating his masterpiece. Rowan was just into the sprinkles, and lots of them.
For dinner we had a delightful prime rib dinner complete with twice baked potatoes and salads. A bit healthier than our appetizer bar and desserts galore the night and day before. Isn't that what the holidays are for, calories?

Gail and Maison from next door came to visit and play in the basement for a short while with the kids. Aunt Molly built them a fort and they played balls on the pool table for a bit too. The kids didn't stop going much all day, no naps for the big kids, and therefore crashed at 9pm. We will have some catching up to do on sleep next week to prepare for the future celebrations.

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