Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hump day

Well it's Wednesday, that's about all I can say! Spent the morning cleaning the house, and well! (perhaps a little nesting) Not that I don't usually clean well, but extra cleaning than usual on a weekly basis. Rowan was rummaging through the diaper bag, and found her shades! More like snow goggles at this time of year. But she proceeded to tear around the house on her bee with the glasses on! Pretty silly as usual!

On another note, that kitchen in the background has become the devil! Rowan hides things in there. You would think I/we would learn, but I was searching high and low for missing nalgene cups today, and of course both of them were in the kitchen in strategic spots. Apparently she hides string cheese in there too. It is a game for her and gizmo, she runs from him while she eats her string cheese and when she gets tired/bored with it, she puts it in the kitchen so Gizmo can't get it! Too darn smart for words!
On the baby side of things, got some curtains hung in the nursery, and put the crib back together. We had thought Rowan might use it if we had guests, but who are we kidding, if the other option is Mom and Dad's bed, she isn't going to choose the crib/toddler bed! And then I can make the bed eventually, if only I could find the crib sheets? I think I may have tossed them! Perhaps bored with off white/ecru! But our Babies R Us is terrible up here (small and always out of stock of everything), so my options so far have been limited! Guess I need to stop at the one in Brookfield next time I am in town.

1 comment:

Cora said...

I have 2 of the glenna jean off white sheets that you can have. I won't use them since Jillian's stuff is white white.