Thursday, December 9, 2010

all ready

for the white stuff!

I was in desperate need of picking up dog poop today, especially since we are supposed to get some snow this afternoon. So I bundled Rowan up in her snowpants, boots, hat and all, and we headed out to pick up poop. Can't believe that her snowpants from last year (18 months) still fit! I am sure it will bite me at the end of January when she outgrows them and I can't find them anywhere, but right now they are perfect!

So Rowan tested out the cold swings, while I picked up after Gizmo. My goal is to keep on top of the poop all winter like I have been, but once the snow is there, I am not so sure that is going to happen. But I hate the pick up after the snow is done, it is days long and bags full. It's gross! Wish me luck!


Nicole said...

Such a cute, happy girl!

Cora said...

The mushy, soggy spring massive pick up is the WORST! Every year I swear I will stay on top of things better, and every year I fail. It just gets so hard with all the snow. Yuck.