Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Survived...

...okay, maybe I should say, I Survived! Working the last four nights in a row that is. I just put in 2 weeks of work in the last 4 days, and it was all night shifts! Yuk! I got my standard 6-7 hours of broken sleep despite an empty house on Saturday. But...I almost finished a book on my Kindle finally! Hopefully tonight I can sit and finish it, or it will never get finished.

On that note, Rowan was at daycare today for the first time in over a week. They missed her! And she is now officially moved to the 2-3 year old classroom. And she is doing great and loves it. It was interesting to see the difference in interaction between the 2-3 year olds, versus the 1-2 year olds. I think it was much overdue, hopefully Rowan will stand up for herself more now and come home with less 'owie' slips! One thing I have noticed, she doesn't come home as clean as she used too. Shout has become my dear friend.
When we got home this afternoon, we braved the 45 mile an hour winds and played on the swingset for a brief while. She definitely loves it. I am glad, but before we know it, it will be covered in snow. We are hoping to get a new slide soon, and maybe another coat of stain before winter too. We will see, I have other things I would like painted inside first perhaps.

Another change, the house behind us has sold, and the people moved in this weekend. We haven't met them yet, but I have seen them out and about. I was too busy working and sleeping to be social this weekend. Hoping for a very productive week this week, and Blayne, Molly and the boys are coming for a visit this weekend. Super excited. They are going to spend their anniversary with us!


Nicole said...

That is one ugly schedule. Especially when you're pregnant, yikes! How often do you have to do that?

Cora said...

I'm glad you survived the weekend. I was thinking about you, you poor thing. 4 in a row is inhumane, but being pregnant really puts it over the edge into torture.

I'm glad Rowan is in the big girl room, she'll probably have more fun there.

Katie said...

What a crazy schedule! Hopefully you don't have to do that again anytime soon.

Love the swingset...Rowan seems to love it too!

carolyn said...

4 in a row...what are you crazy? that stinks. happy to hear that is over. hopefully a repeat is not in the near future?! how is 12 weeks treating you? baby update...

Cora said...

Yeah. Where exactly is the baby update? It's not like you're working right now. You've got bored friends on semi-bedrest here...give a girl something to read already!