Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rowan's weekend...

I worked all weekend, days; and Ed was in Chicago for Dusty's Bachelor Party, so Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill came and spent the weekend to watch Rowan. And boy did she keep them busy.

Saturday they took the 2 dogs (they brought their dog Cadillac along too), and Rowan for a walk, then after lunch and nap, they took her to Greenville to the Zoo. And she did great. She even got to hold some bunnies in the petting zoo. When I got home from work on Saturday night, Grandma and Grandpa were tired! Rowan doesn't stop going much! Maybe that will help me to not gain as much weight with the pregnancy! Not counting on it though!
Ed was home before 10 am on Sunday, so Grandma and Grandpa headed home, and Ed and Rowan relaxed and watched the Packer game. Ed is severely short on sleep, was up 24 hours by the time he went to bed Saturday morning, and was on his way home before 7am on Sunday, and was too busy watching the Packer game to nap when Rowan napped. So hopefully he can catch up next weekend! We will see.

I don't have much to report about Ed's weekend either. There was a trolly friday night that took many men around Chicago to bars, and wherever else. He went to bed at 3am and was up around 7am, off to the train to head to Arlington to the horse races for the day, then back to a limo for Saturday night and a casino in Indiana. That is about the extent of a story I got. I think there was a strip club in there somewhere, but not sure where. He had fun, that is all that mattered.

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