Thursday, September 30, 2010


In preparation for a trip to the zoo tomorrow in Milwaukee, Rowan and I decided to head to Pewaukee and spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Knutson. We hadn't seen them in awhile, and I thought it would be easier to not be in the car for 3+ hours in one day. So we left after naptime today and met Grandma and Aunt Amanda at Kohl's to spend some of their money, and then back to their house for dinner. Rowan got 2 new Dr. Seuss books, and twin baby dolls (Rowan picked them out and they ended up being on clearance and were a steal; I've taught her well).
After dinner and bath, Rowan got to have an ice cream cone, and she loved it, although pretty much ditched it after the ice cream was gone! Aunt Amanda was busy doing homework most of the night, so when Rowan interrupted she entertained her with her jewelry, and Rowan loved it. Rowan woke up several times during the night, I think she just didn't know where she was, so it wasn't the best sleep, but we had fun!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Those were Amelia's favorite babies for quite a while. She named the blue one "Rock a bye baby" and the pink "Rock a bye baby's sister". They are still in heavy rotation here!