Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Casey and Jake...

Casey and Jake are in WI for a couple of weeks from Gainsville for a couple of weddings. And they took the time to come up and visit us! We are so grateful! Rowan loved it! It is too funny how preoccupied Rowan becomes with people when they come to visit. She wants them to do everything for her, and pretty much nothing to do with Ed or I! She wanted Jake to change her diaper, and he wanted no part of that. But Casey stepped up to the plate, poop and all! Good practice!
 Rowan put on a little dance party for them too. Complete with some booty shaking and of course, Dad's special, The Sprinkler! Too funny! Casey and Jake were here for dinner and playtime, and of course, Salon time. Rowan's 1st Haircut to come in a separate post, courtesy of Aunt Casey!
For some reason, Rowan migrates towards the men. Whenever I ask her about Casey, she wants to know about Jake. And as you can see, she was Jakes buddy the entire time they were here. Don't worry Casey got her time too, beyond the diaper too!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What a little ham! Too too cute :)